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Line in Spanish

How to say Line in Spanish?
We share with you how the word Line is written in English and its Spanish equivalent. You can listen to the English or Spanish pronunciation of the word using the Listen button below.

line línea

How To Use Line In A Sentence in Spanish?

The company has implemented an effective organizational structure to streamline operations. La empresa ha implementado una estructura organizativa eficaz para agilizar las operaciones. The city skyline was breathtaking as the sun set behind the towering buildings. El horizonte de la ciudad era impresionante mientras el sol se ponía detrás de los imponentes edificios. Every student must complete their homework before the deadline. Cada estudiante debe completar su tarea antes de la fecha límite. I updated my online dating profile to include my interests and hobbies. Actualicé mi perfil de citas en línea para incluir mis intereses y pasatiempos. I used a red pen to underline important information in my notes. Usé un bolígrafo rojo para subrayar información importante en mis notas. I have submitted my job application online. He enviado mi solicitud de empleo en línea. Our team is working hard to meet the project deadline. Nuestro equipo está trabajando arduamente para cumplir con la fecha límite del proyecto. I prefer to shop online because it is more convenient. Prefiero comprar en línea porque es más conveniente. Please submit your report within the given deadline. Envíe su informe dentro del plazo indicado. You need a username and password to gain access to your online banking account. Necesita un nombre de usuario y una contraseña para acceder a su cuenta bancaria en línea.

Questions in English with Line

Can you finish this before the deadline?Have you finished your work before the deadline?Do you prefer playing games online or offline?Have you updated your online profile recently?Which airline do you usually fly with?Have you ever bought anything online?How do I complete this task within the deadline?What methods do you use for discipline with your children?Is there a plan to extend the deadline?Have you ever read any false information online?Are there any guidelines for submitting the report?What"s the headline of today"s newspaper?Are there any guidelines for writing the report?Have you been increasing your efforts to meet the project deadline?Can you lay the tiles in a straight line?Can you draw a straight line from point A to point B?What"s the remaining time until the deadline?What"s the situation with the project deadline?Have you ever had your identity stolen online?Can you find this item in the store or do we need to order it online?

Similar Words Of Line in Spanish

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English to Spanish Translation Words

zacatecas zadar zanzibar zara zach laws females federation ufologists notes needed effervescent effecting effluents effortless effluent efficiencies efficacy effectiveness effects efforts uncertainty undertaken universities units ehrlichia ehrwald ehsan ehlers eharmony ehrlich ehealth ehud dunes duplicate dumb duo duplex dubai dual dublin duke durability durable duties duration kampala karate kayaking kathmandu katherine karaoke kayak kansas kashmir kabbalah katie kabul karma karen karl kate kazakhstan okeechobee ivor iverson ivanova ivana nicole niche niece nina nickname ninth nicholas nintendo nike nightmare nitrogen nick nicaragua nigeria nights well-being websites weeks web weapons website kim centro hours hotels losses ewha ewallets ewaste ewallet ewok ewe ewes ewoks kuching kumamoto kudos kunming kurdistan kurds kurdish kuwaiti kurt kuwait mountains avery avoidance avant-garde averages avenues avengers avoided avatar avocado avoiding aviation avenue availability burundi buses buying budgets bureau buttons businesses built biggest bills bicycle bigger bishop binding birds biodiversity messages methods mechanisms meetings uhhh uhuru uh-uh uhm uh-oh uh-huh ikeja ikigai iki ikat ikaria ikebukuro ikebana ikeda ikea ike uygur uyghurs uyghur uyghur people logo iraqis irony irresponsible irene irrelevant ironing irreversible irregularities iris iranian irrespective irritation irregular irrigation ireland iran iraq ivanka ivorians ivanov ive ivorian ivy ivory ivan oskar ostensibly osmosis oscillations ostrich osiris oscars osman

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