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Social in German

How to say Social in German?
We share with you how the word Social is written in English and its German equivalent. You can listen to the English or German pronunciation of the word using the Listen button below.

social Sozial

How To Use Social In A Sentence in German?

Social distancing measures are important to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Soziale Distanzierungsmaßnahmen sind wichtig, um die Ausbreitung ansteckender Krankheiten zu verhindern. She became an activist to fight for equal rights and social justice. Sie wurde eine Aktivistin, die für Gleichberechtigung und soziale Gerechtigkeit kämpfte. The students engaged in a lively debate about the impact of social media on relationships. Die Studierenden führten eine lebhafte Debatte über die Auswirkungen sozialer Medien auf Beziehungen. False information can spread quickly on social media. In den sozialen Medien können sich Falschinformationen schnell verbreiten. Gender is a social construct that refers to the roles, behaviors, and expectations society assigns to individuals based on their sex. Geschlecht ist ein soziales Konstrukt, das sich auf die Rollen, Verhaltensweisen und Erwartungen bezieht, die die Gesellschaft Einzelpersonen aufgrund ihres Geschlechts zuweist. People are increasingly using social media as a means of communication. Menschen nutzen soziale Medien zunehmend als Kommunikationsmittel. Sarah identifies as a liberal and strongly believes in social equality and government intervention to address societal issues. Sarah identifiziert sich als Liberale und glaubt fest an soziale Gleichheit und staatliche Eingriffe zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Probleme. Companies often use social media platforms to promote their products and reach a wider audience. Unternehmen nutzen häufig Social-Media-Plattformen, um für ihre Produkte zu werben und ein breiteres Publikum zu erreichen. The Soviet Union was a former socialist state that existed from 1922 to 1991. Die Sowjetunion war ein ehemaliger sozialistischer Staat, der von 1922 bis 1991 existierte. She checked her social media status to see how many likes her post had received. Sie überprüfte ihren Social-Media-Status, um zu sehen, wie viele Likes ihr Beitrag erhalten hatte.

Questions in English with Social

What are your views on social media usage?How do you stay social during the pandemic?What type of content performs best on social media?What influence do you think social media has on public opinion?Are you a regular user of social media?Do you support social welfare programs?What are your views on the latest update to the companys social media strategy?What information is included in a typical social media profile?What are some benefits of participating in social activities?In what ways can collective action lead to positive social change?What type of content performs best on social media platforms?What are some common practices for corporate social responsibility?What are some examples of social welfare organizations in our community?What is the best way to edit a video for social media platforms?What are your views on the impact of social media on society today?What are your views on the latest social media trends?What should you do if someone is being rude to you in a social setting?Can you explain how different social classes occupy space in society?Can you describe the role that social media can occupy in modern activism?What role does social media occupy in modern society?

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zacatecas zadar zanzibar zara zach laws females federation ufologists notes needed effervescent effecting effluents effortless effluent efficiencies efficacy effectiveness effects efforts uncertainty undertaken universities units ehrlichia ehrwald ehsan ehlers eharmony ehrlich ehealth ehud dunes duplicate dumb duo duplex dubai dual dublin duke durability durable duties duration kampala karate kayaking kathmandu katherine karaoke kayak kansas kashmir kabbalah katie kabul karma karen karl kate kazakhstan okeechobee ivor iverson ivanova ivana nicole niche niece nina nickname ninth nicholas nintendo nike nightmare nitrogen nick nicaragua nigeria nights well-being websites weeks web weapons website kim centro hours hotels losses ewha ewallets ewaste ewallet ewok ewe ewes ewoks kuching kumamoto kudos kunming kurdistan kurds kurdish kuwaiti kurt kuwait mountains avery avoidance avant-garde averages avenues avengers avoided avatar avocado avoiding aviation avenue availability burundi buses buying budgets bureau buttons businesses built biggest bills bicycle bigger bishop binding birds biodiversity messages methods mechanisms meetings uhhh uhuru uh-uh uhm uh-oh uh-huh ikeja ikigai iki ikat ikaria ikebukuro ikebana ikeda ikea ike uygur uyghurs uyghur uyghur people logo iraqis irony irresponsible irene irrelevant ironing irreversible irregularities iris iranian irrespective irritation irregular irrigation ireland iran iraq ivanka ivorians ivanov ive ivorian ivy ivory ivan oskar ostensibly osmosis oscillations ostrich osiris oscars osman

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