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Keep in German

How to say Keep in German?
We share with you how the word Keep is written in English and its German equivalent. You can listen to the English or German pronunciation of the word using the Listen button below.

keep halten

How To Use Keep In A Sentence in German?

Keep your focus on your studying, and you will do well on the test. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf das Lernen, dann werden Sie bei der Prüfung gut abschneiden. I keep my books and notebook neatly organized on my desk. Ich bewahre meine Bücher und mein Notizbuch ordentlich organisiert auf meinem Schreibtisch auf. Please keep the door closed to avoid any drafts. Bitte halten Sie die Tür geschlossen, um Zugluft zu vermeiden. The novel has a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged until the end. Der Roman hat eine fesselnde Erzählung, die den Leser bis zum Ende fesselt. The novel has a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged until the end. Der Roman hat eine fesselnde Erzählung, die den Leser bis zum Ende fesselt. I keep my keys in my pocket. Ich behalte meine Schlüssel in meiner Tasche. I locked my house and made sure all windows were closed to keep my belongings safe. Ich schloss mein Haus ab und stellte sicher, dass alle Fenster geschlossen waren, um meine Sachen sicher aufzubewahren. I tied a string around the gift to keep it secure. Ich habe eine Schnur um das Geschenk gebunden, um es sicher aufzubewahren. I always keep a box of tissue on my desk for when I have a runny nose. Für den Fall, dass ich eine laufende Nase habe, habe ich immer eine Schachtel Taschentücher auf meinem Schreibtisch. She was determined to keep going despite the tough challenges she faced. Sie war entschlossen, trotz der großen Herausforderungen, denen sie sich gegenübersah, weiterzumachen.

Questions in English with Keep

Have you been keeping up with the news?How do you keep cool during the hot days of June?Can you keep an eye on the kids while I finish cooking dinner?Do you keep a steady pace when you walk?Can you trust him to keep your secret?Do you keep up with the upkeep of your home?What items should you always keep in your bag when traveling?Can you please explain how you keep your workspace organized?Can you provide tips on how to keep a desk organized?Can you describe the role of United Nations peacekeepers in occupying conflict zones?What is the best way to store bread to keep it fresh?What is the best way to store bread to keep it fresh longer?Can you please keep the door open while we ventilate the room?How can organizations keep track of the improved performance metrics?What is the optimal humidity level for keeping indoor plants healthy?Can you swear that you will keep this secret?What is the best way to keep track of your wallet when youre out in public?Can you make me a promise to keep our secret safe?Can you swear that you will keep the secret?What is the best way to keep mice out of my house?

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English to German Translation Words

zacatecas zadar zanzibar zara zach laws females federation ufologists notes needed effervescent effecting effluents effortless effluent efficiencies efficacy effectiveness effects efforts uncertainty undertaken universities units ehrlichia ehrwald ehsan ehlers eharmony ehrlich ehealth ehud dunes duplicate dumb duo duplex dubai dual dublin duke durability durable duties duration kampala karate kayaking kathmandu katherine karaoke kayak kansas kashmir kabbalah katie kabul karma karen karl kate kazakhstan okeechobee ivor iverson ivanova ivana nicole niche niece nina nickname ninth nicholas nintendo nike nightmare nitrogen nick nicaragua nigeria nights well-being websites weeks web weapons website kim centro hours hotels losses ewha ewallets ewaste ewallet ewok ewe ewes ewoks kuching kumamoto kudos kunming kurdistan kurds kurdish kuwaiti kurt kuwait mountains avery avoidance avant-garde averages avenues avengers avoided avatar avocado avoiding aviation avenue availability burundi buses buying budgets bureau buttons businesses built biggest bills bicycle bigger bishop binding birds biodiversity messages methods mechanisms meetings uhhh uhuru uh-uh uhm uh-oh uh-huh ikeja ikigai iki ikat ikaria ikebukuro ikebana ikeda ikea ike uygur uyghurs uyghur uyghur people logo iraqis irony irresponsible irene irrelevant ironing irreversible irregularities iris iranian irrespective irritation irregular irrigation ireland iran iraq ivanka ivorians ivanov ive ivorian ivy ivory ivan oskar ostensibly osmosis oscillations ostrich osiris oscars osman

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