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Financial in German

How to say Financial in German?
We share with you how the word Financial is written in English and its German equivalent. You can listen to the English or German pronunciation of the word using the Listen button below.

financial finanziell

How To Use Financial In A Sentence in German?

The financial analyst predicted a rise in the company's stocks. Der Finanzanalyst prognostizierte einen Anstieg der Aktien des Unternehmens. The company holds an annual meeting to discuss their financial performance. Das Unternehmen hält eine jährliche Sitzung ab, um seine finanzielle Leistung zu besprechen. The financial aspect of the project needs to be addressed before we proceed. Der finanzielle Aspekt des Projekts muss geklärt werden, bevor wir fortfahren. It is important to start saving money early for a secure financial future. Für eine sichere finanzielle Zukunft ist es wichtig, frühzeitig mit dem Sparen zu beginnen. Saving money is a smart habit for building financial security. Geld zu sparen ist eine kluge Angewohnheit, um finanzielle Sicherheit aufzubauen. I am financially dependent on my parents. Ich bin finanziell von meinen Eltern abhängig. There is a financial incentive for employees who meet their sales targets. Es gibt einen finanziellen Anreiz für Mitarbeiter, die ihre Umsatzziele erreichen. Without insurance, you may be at risk of incurring significant financial expenses in the event of an accident or unforeseen circumstance. Ohne Versicherung besteht das Risiko, dass Ihnen im Falle eines Unfalls oder unvorhergesehener Umstände erhebliche finanzielle Kosten entstehen. The company is conducting an internal audit to assess its financial records. Das Unternehmen führt eine interne Prüfung durch, um seine Finanzunterlagen zu bewerten. Investment in stocks can provide potential long-term financial growth. Investitionen in Aktien können ein potenzielles langfristiges finanzielles Wachstum ermöglichen.

Questions in English with Financial

Are you financially dependent on your parents?Have you read the latest reports on the companys financial performance?What are the key responsibilities of a financial analyst?What is the significance of a bond in the financial market?What steps can be taken to address a financial crisis effectively?How can individuals prepare financially for their old-age expenses?Can you tell me how to prevent a financial ruin?How can individuals prepare for retirement and manage financial needs in their old age?What are the latest reports on the companys financial performance?Can you please provide me with the latest reports on the companys financial performance?What do the recent reports show about the companys financial performance?What do the reports indicate about the companys financial performance this quarter?What do the latest reports suggest about the companys financial performance?Can you provide me with the latest reports regarding the companys financial performance?Can you provide me with the latest reports on the companys financial performance?What is the importance of teaching financial literacy in schools?What do the reports say about the companys financial performance last quarter?What do the latest reports indicate about the companys financial performance?What do the reports indicate about the companys financial performance?What do the reports indicate about the companys financial performance last quarter?

Similar Words Of Financial in German

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English to German Translation Words

zacatecas zadar zanzibar zara zach laws females federation ufologists notes needed effervescent effecting effluents effortless effluent efficiencies efficacy effectiveness effects efforts uncertainty undertaken universities units ehrlichia ehrwald ehsan ehlers eharmony ehrlich ehealth ehud dunes duplicate dumb duo duplex dubai dual dublin duke durability durable duties duration kampala karate kayaking kathmandu katherine karaoke kayak kansas kashmir kabbalah katie kabul karma karen karl kate kazakhstan okeechobee ivor iverson ivanova ivana nicole niche niece nina nickname ninth nicholas nintendo nike nightmare nitrogen nick nicaragua nigeria nights well-being websites weeks web weapons website kim centro hours hotels losses ewha ewallets ewaste ewallet ewok ewe ewes ewoks kuching kumamoto kudos kunming kurdistan kurds kurdish kuwaiti kurt kuwait mountains avery avoidance avant-garde averages avenues avengers avoided avatar avocado avoiding aviation avenue availability burundi buses buying budgets bureau buttons businesses built biggest bills bicycle bigger bishop binding birds biodiversity messages methods mechanisms meetings uhhh uhuru uh-uh uhm uh-oh uh-huh ikeja ikigai iki ikat ikaria ikebukuro ikebana ikeda ikea ike uygur uyghurs uyghur uyghur people logo iraqis irony irresponsible irene irrelevant ironing irreversible irregularities iris iranian irrespective irritation irregular irrigation ireland iran iraq ivanka ivorians ivanov ive ivorian ivy ivory ivan oskar ostensibly osmosis oscillations ostrich osiris oscars osman

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