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解释 in English

How to say 解释 in English?
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解释 explanation
jie shi

How To Use 解释 In A Sentence in English?

老师向学生们解释了这一课。 The teacher explained the lesson to the students. 您能解释一下新软件的工作原理吗? Can you please explain how the new software works? 我会用合乎逻辑的解释来说服我的朋友加入徒步俱乐部。 I will use logical explanations to convince my friend to join the hiking club. 进化论解释了物种如何随着时间的推移而变化和适应。 The theory of evolution explains how species have changed and adapted over time. 我需要帮助来解释这段古老文本的含义。 I need help to interpret the meaning of this ancient text. 不同的艺术评论家对这幅画的解释各不相同。 Interpretation of the painting varies among different art critics. 科学帮助我们了解自然世界,并通过经验证据和系统观察来解释现象。 Science helps us understand the natural world and explains phenomena through empirical evidence and systematic observations. 医生很耐心地向紧张的病人解释手术过程。 The doctor was patient while explaining the procedure to the nervous patient. 教授以清晰简洁的方式解释了这个概念。 The professor explained the concept in a clear and concise manner. 他对自己的缺席给出了合理的解释。 He offered a reasonable explanation for his absence.

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